About Us
CBS Collection
CBS Collection is the official fashion brand of CBS, initiated by CBS Students. CBS Collection offers a selection of modern clothes designed by the Danish designers Les Deux.
The design is inspired by the Scandinavian style: clean lines with a twist. The collection is sold in a physical shop at CBS Campus, Solbjerg Plads 3, as well as through the web shop www.cbscollection.dk.
CBS Collection is entirely run by students for students at CBS.
CBS Collection is a fully owned subsidiary of CBS Students who also own and run CBS Print, Nexus and Spisestuerne (all canteens at CBS).
CBS Students
CBS Students is the Student Organization at CBS, representing and working for all, approximately 22.000 students across all study programs and interests.
The objective of the organization is to make CBS a better University, both academically and socially. CBS Students is independent of any party political agenda and works entirely on a nonprofit basis. This means that any income generated is re-invested to benefit all the students at CBS.
At CBS Students, our work is driven by hundreds of active students who voluntarily work for a better campus, educational quality and study environment through our many project groups, bodies or committees. Further, CBS Students facilitates CBS Students Print, CBS Network, consisting of more than 85 ’specialist’ student organizations each of which works for a specific area of interest, CBS Cafe Nexus and SPISESTUERNE (the Canteens of CBS).
The daily management of CBS Students consists of the presidency and our professional secretariat. Together we work to ensure continuity and support in the student political work of creating a better CBS for all students.
CBS Collection is the latest initiative from CBS Students, supporting the Study Environment by creating a sense of community and belonging to one of the largest business communities in the world.
November 2015